The Franklin County Law Library is open and available by appointment. To schedule an appointment please call 717-267-2071. Staff will schedule appointments during normal business hours of Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Staff is typically in the office Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings. If you call during these times you may be granted immediate access to the Law Library if we have not reached capacity.
- A maximum of four (4) people are allowed in the Law Library research area. This includes staff.
- Everyone over the age of 2 is required to wear a mask. *
- Everyone is asked to use the hand sanitizer located at the front desk or wash their hands in the bathroom when entering and exiting the Law Library.
- DO NOT use the Law Library if you are experiencing an elevated temperature of 100 or greater, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell. These are symptoms of COVID-19. Staff will ask about these symptoms. We reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone based on safety concerns, at the discretion of our Executive Director.
- Staff and visitors are always expected to maintain proper social distancing and avoid physical contact.
- Surfaces will be cleaned between visitors. Please be patient when waiting to use Law Library equipment, including computers, the copier, and books.
- All Law Library visitors will be asked to provide their name and phone number for our visitor log. The information on the visitor log will be shared with the Department of Health if requested for public safety purposes (i.e. contact tracing of COVID-19).
Please visit to learn more about the legal research tools that are available for you to use from home.
* Disposable masks are available. Please inform staff if you are unable to wear a mask due to a medical reason. We will make accommodations for you to use the Law Library safely.